Happy birthday Knox! 4/22/18


My quiet boy came into this world at 1:01pm weighing 7.67lbs stretching 20.25”! I was schedule to be induced at 7:15am, but by the time I got the iv it was just after 8am and already 4cm. I labored with contractions every 3 minutes until the dr finally made her way in to break my water at 11am and was at 5cm. Then it was game time. Everything went so fast after that. I got my epidural by 1145am and was already at 6cm. The epidural was the worst part. Took her about 20 minutes to get in.

But when she finally did my right leg was numb and my left wasn’t. So after 15-20 minutes of laying on my left side to get the medicine to work (and some very painful contractions) the pain started to ease. But from all of the sitting and laying on 1 side for the medicine to work when she checked me I was already at an 8-9cm. She then tries to get me to switch to my right side and as I turn I felt like I couldn’t close my legs. So she checked me again not even 2 minutes after the last time, and sure enough his head was right there! So dr came in at 12:45pm got prepped and ready. My husband timed my pushing and little man came out in 6 minutes!! Nurses were so surprised on how fast things went after the dr breaking my water! I had a 1st degree tear that requires a couple of stitches because he has a large head (14.47in). He made a whimper when he came out, but never really cried and didn’t cry for about 6hrs. Here’s my handsome big full of hair boy!!!