Message from God and my Grandma


I lost my dear Grandmother Betty a few years ago and she held a very big part in my life, heart and soul.

Last month I cried hysterically when I took a test and I said not pregnant as I was over 3 days late. I was convinced I was. When I found out I wasn’t and I was taken back when I was so emotional amount it. I’ve tested negative before but for some reason this moment was very disappointing.

The Sunday before I ovulated I had a dream and it was brief. It was My Grandma holding a baby girl wrapped in a pink blanket. It was fuzzy but in my heart I knew it was my Gram. She told me to stay patient. Her and god were picking out a baby girl for us.

The dream left me happy and feeling comforted that my Gram was there in a such a sad moment in my life.

I’m happy to announce that I just found out this morning we are pregnant. The dream I had happened just 4 weeks ago.

May God bless you all. I wanted to share with you as we are waiting now to tell our families until the first trimester.