In need of some advice please

Been in a relationship for almost 5 years everything was good until recently, anyways 2 weeks ago he said to me “let’s delete our Instagram accounts” so I was like “yeah sure, we don’t need Instagram anyways” he replies saying “exactly”. So we both deleted our accounts. I deleted mine permanently because thats what I thought he meant plus why would he say “exactly” to me saying “we don’t need Instagram anyways”. I thought he permanently deleted his too.

A week or so later I started having some sort of strange feeling that he was back on Instagram so I went on google searched up his Instagram name and guess what?? He was back on Instagram posting things and adding people :/ I really feel like he just wanted me to delete my account so he could have some sort of freedom or something like that. I confronted him and he went mad about me asking why he’s back on Instagram! He was like “I don’t need to tell you anything!” I was like “well in a relationship I believe you should tell your partner everything!” He wasn’t having it. I asked him why he was back on it and he was like “cause I like the filters on there” then a bit after he was like “I went back on it cause I’m bored and instagram is the place to be when being bored”

He ended up breaking up with me, he’s now blocked me off everything. Do you think he’s up to something?