Dating with herpes


So about three weeks ago I had sex with this guy with a condom, but it was dark and I never actually saw his dick or anything and I didn’t give him head ( thank god). So right after that it burned to pee but I blew it off because who’s vagina feels good after sex? So fast forward a few days and I’m having this weird clearish discharge and my vagina is burning and it feels like I’m actually going to die when I pee. So a few more days go by and the doctor gives me meds for what she said was a strep infection?? So then no change and I notice I have blisters so I’m over here crying at this point. I go back to the doctor and it’s herpes. So basically I’m having a full on panic attack at that point and I’ve been depressed for since I found out last week. The guy who gave it to me also told me a few days ago that he doesnt have it and that he “showered it off”. So yea you can see his obviously an idiot and an ass hole for knowing he had it and not telling me. So the real reason for this post is because I really like this guy and we’re getting closer and I want to be with him but I’m too scared to even bring up the fact that I have herpes. I feel infected and disgusting and like a slut. I have no idea how to tell him I don’t want to ruin everything so if anyone has any advice please give it to me. Also if you have herpes please please give me advice on that too because I feel very lost.