Round 4 of femera and discouraged.



My SO and I have been trying for over a year TTC #1. I’ve had all the fertility work up and started femara in January. I’ve been monitored via ultrasound on CDs 10 and last cycle we did <a href="">IUI</a> so they checked me again on CD 13 and I gave myself the trigger that night and did <a href="">IUI</a> cd 15. I got AF the evening after I did my blood test, 14 days after the <a href="">IUI</a>. I had one day of kind of normal bleeding, then some spotting for two days then nothing. The nurse said it was fine and normal? Definitely not normal for me but whatever.

Anyways, started the femara again this month. We are gonna try timed intercourse because my SO did two semen analyses and they checked his testosterone and we go the 30th for the results. I don’t want to spend the money on another <a href="">IUI</a> if his sperm aren’t swimming or whatever. His sample for <a href="">IUI</a> came back that he had 32 million non moving and only 8 million moving and they like around the 20+ million moving for <a href="">IUI</a> but she said it could work. But it didn’t.

So we will try <a href="">IUI</a> again only after we find out his sperm are all in good shape, moving and plentiful.

I’m just getting discouraged. The femara makes me really emotional so it doesn’t help with stress because I fight with everyone and cry all the time.

I’m on 5mg of femara a day cd 3-7. What is the difference between femara and clomid? I know the fertility doc said he didn’t want to start me on that but he would prescribe it later if necessary. Thanks and baby dust to you all ❤️