Baby girl decides to come 2 days after Christmas day😶


Poppy-maes due date was 21/12/17 and it came to my due date and I had no signs🙄 so we waited comes to Christmas Day and I had a couple pains but thought nothing of it.... Boxing Day I went on a mad clean and scrubbed mine and my partners bedroom and sorted our presents out... on the 27th at 6:30am I got up to go for a wee, went to the toilet and got back to bed and all of a sudden I felt a massive gush... I woke my partner up and he replies with “put a towel under you I’ve got work in 2 hours”😂😂 my constructions started half an hour later-

At 9:30 I was sent to the labour ward we’re we found out she had poor inside me but wasn’t a danger then

at 2cm I then had the epidural and went to sleep then until 7:30 they put my epidural down from 10ml to 5ml half an hour later at 8- I stared to get pains again and felt like I needed to push 😵😵 with only 39 minutes of pushing my gorgeous baby girl was here! Weighing 7lb 11oz😍😍