Our sweet little angel, Aurora Lee, was finally born

Our sweet little angel, Aurora Lee, was finally born. Due to IUGR and preeclampsia then just me at 37 weeks exactly. It took 12 hours on cerdivil and 13 hours on Pitocin to get my cervix ready to give birth. Then 40 minutes of pushing, I only ended up pushing five times. Every time I would push her heart rate would drop so they made a very long rest period in between pushing. But she came out perfectly fine. I was so worried all throughout pregnancy, they sent me to the high-risk doctor, they told me she had IUGR and I had preeclampsia. They hospitalize me my whole 36th week, all the doctors seem scared to death. I can't explain it, but I had this overwhelming sense that everything was okay, that it was all going to be fine and all this worry was for nothing but I listened to the doctors anyway and did what they asked me to. Turns out mom knew all along, she got perfect APGAR scores, didn't have to go to the NICU like they thought she would, and went home two days later. I never really knew before because I was a first-time mom, but that Mother's intuition is really something that should not be ignored. I knew everything was going to be fine, while all along everyone else was freaking out, and it was fine. Perfectly healthy baby. She is absolutely wonderful, and the sweetest little girl. Me and her daddy love her so much already.