My unique birth story

Lacey • Mommy of 3 💙💖💙

I have an almost 2 year old and I’m currently 8 weeks pregnant. I never shared my birth story on here so I decided I would! At five months pregnant, my boyfriend deployed.

I went to my 36 week appointment at 36+4 on a Wednesday at 10:00am, not knowing what to expect. The doctors office I used worked as a team. You would see all the midwives throughout your pregnancy and whoever was on duty would deliver your baby. My least favorite one was working for my exam. It was very painful as she was moving I g her fingers around in me and she said she was having trouble finding my cervix. So she scheduled me for an ultrasound on Monday. She also said I would feel pain and have little bleeding after the exam. I soon as exam was over I was feeling a lot of pain. When I got home I noticed some spotting which I expected. About an hour later I lost my mucous plug. I was texting my boyfriend, who was overseas, the whole time joking about going into labor early. I made brownies that day because, CRAVINGS! And stuck it out still thinking I was having pain from my exam. By 5pm my contractions were getting hard to ignore. I decided to take a bath to relax. Around six I got out of the bath and was in so much pain I couldn’t get off the bathroom floor. My mother got home from work and immediately knew I was in labor and started getting stuff in the car to go to the hospital. I was texting my boyfriend up until 7:30pm when we were leaving, because I just couldn’t anymore. The car ride was horrible. I was in a lot of pain and my mom was calling everyone and I just remember her talking was driving me nuts. Finally by 8pm we got to the hospital and my water broke in the wheel chair on the elevator ride up to the maternity ward. They put me in a room to “check and see” if I was actually in labor because it was my first and I was almost a month early. I was 8cm and they quickly moved me to a delivery room. The plan was to go natural but I was in so much pain I was asking for an epidural. Of course it was too late, so I remembered they had laughing gas so I tried that. My mom accidentally left the iPad in the car so she ran out to get it so I could skype my boyfriend into the delivery. I pushed for an hour. The worst part of the whole thing was the same midwife I had earlier ended up delivering my baby. And she kept putting her finger in and pulling down to stretch me out or something. It made me not want to push at all. It made me want to suck the baby back up in there. It was horrible! But anyway, I got to pull Him out myself at 9:05 and it was magical. I was reading that day after my exam about stripping the membranes to induce labor and I think my midwife accidentally did that and put me into labor. She was so deep in there trying to find my cervix and moving her fingers around. I am just wondering if this has happened to anyone else.

Don’t worry we Skyped daddy a ton for the 4.5 months he was gone! And had an epic reunion when he finally met our boy.

We were the top story on every news station.