Glow Contest: Be a Fashion Guru


Contest dates: 6/25 - 6/29

This is going to be a good one! 

Everyone has that moment of indecision in front of the mirror. This dress? Or that dress? These shoes? Or those shoes? pink lipstick? or deep red?

Now you can have ALL of Glow as your personal stylist. 

To enter this weeks contest please post 2 pictures of yourself wearing an item you are indecisive about. Dress, shoes, pants, make-up, hair-style, hair name it. 

Then Glow members will - nicely - tell you which of the two suits you better. 

The winner of this contest will be the member who is chosen by the Glow community to be most helpful. (We at Glow will decide on 5 finalists on Monday and then Glow community will pick the winner.) 

The winner will win a $50 gift certificate to Saphora. Sweet. 

Contest starts now, and ends Monday 9am EST. Winner will be chosen by poll at Tuesday 9am EST. 

Let's have fun!