Colposcopy + Biopsy 😯

C 💕

So I posted a few weeks ago about how my ob did a Pap smear at my six week checkup. She called a few days later and said that I had high grade cells (she said I was basically the stage before pre-cancer) and needed to come back in for a colposcopy to see if this one shows normal or if they need to do a biopsy. Today was the appointment and at the very beginning she said if everything looks good then she’ll have me back in 6 months for another Pap smear to be sure. Well, it didn’t get any better. She took a couple samples or whatever to do biopsies. Then she checked me for anemia because of other issues I’ve been having, those results came back fine so then she sent me to get my thyroid check. I get my results for both next week, here’s hoping everything’s ok 🤞🏻🤞🏻.

She said that if they don’t come back ok and they have to take part of my cervix then it make make it difficult or even impossible for another baby in the future. And while I love my son very much I really don’t want him to be an only child.😢