Contractions at 22 weeks


Has anyone else had contractions this early? This is my 4th pregnancy and all my kids were premies. I have always had back labor with my kids that's how I found out I was in labor I would go in due to a bad back ache to find out i was dialated to 4 or 5 cm with them. So right now I have a low back injury with sciatica so Sunday my back pain got worse then normal could not sleep all night and started to feel menstrual like cramps and pressure come early Monday morning went to L&D; and found out I was having regular contractions every 5 to 7 min but they were not doing anything to the cervix yet thank goodness. I did not have a uti or bladder infection. I was well hydrated. they gave me oral medication to help relax the uterus which slowed it down but they did not stop them still having them and they are painful. I am so worried I am going to go into full labor sooner then later. the pain is exhausting and I am not sleeping not sure what else I can do. I already get weekly progesterone shots to keep him in. any ideas ladies