Do you think it is rude when someone doesn’t reciprocate a conversation(read description)?


Do you think it’s rude or lacks social skills when someone does not reciprocate a conversation or cuts a conversation short(without it needing to be cut short).

Example: 1st person “what’s your favorite color”. 2nd person “blue”. But then doesn’t return the conversation back to the 1st person and continue. (I know a lame example but I thought to make the example simple, obviously this dynamic can be applied to many different scenarios.)

I know this isn’t very controversial, but my in laws do this constantly and it always comes off rude to me, I was always taught fairly good social skills from my family and always thought it was polite to return the conversation and me polite I guess so to me it’s a little rude when your conversing with someone and the conversation is only going one way or a dead end.

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