Feeder Grower- Sleepy Eater

Kaela • Mom of 3

I had a 33 weeker, hes now 4 weeks. We went home 4 days ago from nicu. he was a feeder grower. He completed as many bottles as needed togo home. He is still so sleepy. the recommended amount to eat was 43ml every 3 hours or 170ml every 12. He eats 50-65ml every 3. he is so hard to keep awake and is taking so long to eat. they say only 30 min BUT how can I take it away if he’s so hungry. I changed from preemie nipple to the next flow and he gulps it and its too fast! we use dr brown bottles. For a one month old he should eat 60ml to 90ml every 2-4 hours...... Any experience with this type of feedings? He was born 4lb 6oz now 6lb 3oz and grown 4 oz from Thurs-Mon.... I have tried everything to keep him awake....