Sexual harassment in elementary school


I have a cousin who’s daughter is in second grade. On Monday a boy in her class smacked her ass and so she kicked him. She got in trouble and for the rest of the week, she is in “isolation” and has to sit alone at lunch. (I’m not sure if the boy was punishes, I just know she was)

Obviously it’s not right to kick people, but if this was your daughter what would you teach her to do? Do you think the school should come down so hard when you’re defending yourself? I would teach my daughter to defend herself and want her to push the boy away and tell him Not to do that and then I’d have her tell a teacher. I don’t think teaching little girls to not defend themselves is ok and just telling a teacher or someone in authority doesn’t always help especially as you get older. This isn’t the only time a boy has done something. One time boy called her a “sexy piece of ass” and nothing was done. I don’t care how young they are this is gross and harassment! What do you think should be the repercussions for such behavior in elementary school?