Can you please Say A Prayer for me tonight?

As the days and years goes by, I ask myself if this feeling would ever go away. I pray to God and ask him, if is not meant to be, to take it out of my heart. I'm all by my self on this. My husband doesn't have Faith, that this miracles will happen. It's just me, my faith and God. The waiting time it's hard, and as I Thank the Lord for giving me my little girl, all I can do is not lose my hopes. There hasn't been a day that I haven't thank God for Baby Rebekah. I have cried, I have begged on my knees, for His to please listen to my heart. There has being many nights where I haven't being able to sleep, just asking God for this miracle, because only a miracle can make this hapoen. Today is one of those day where I just wish someone would look at me eyes and tell me, everything will be alright, your miracle is on its way. Can you please say a prayer for me tonight?!?