What should happen to Skylar Richardson?

Graisyn • I’m lonely a majority of the time and I really love food.

If you don’t know who Skylar Richardson is, I highly suggest you read about her case (because I’ve probably gotten a lot of things wrong). It interests me a lot. From what I’ve read, the simplest way to explain it is she got pregnant in high school and told no body, and then went into labor on prom night. Skylar then gave birth to a baby that she named Annabelle, she claims it was stillborn. She buried Annabelle in her backyard and 2 months later the police found out. They said it was a still born baby. 6 days later, they issued this: “Brooke S. Richardson, 18, of Carlisle, was arrested and charged with one count of Reckless Homicide.”

People now think that her baby was born alive, and she killed it. Apparently the bones of the baby were charred. Skylar is now being charged with aggravated murder, involuntary manslaughter, child endangerment, tampering with evidence, and gross abuse of a corpse.

What do you think about this case, and what should happen to Skylar?