Best Friend Problems

I'm in 7th grade and my best friend and I have been like 🤞 since the beginning of 6th. It's getting towards the end of the year (20 days to be exact, I have a countdown) and in the last... 6 ish months her and I have gotten into fights that we have never really had before. The first one was really bad. She texted me saying this:

We were talking about my crush at the time, by the way. After she texted me this, I was really upset with her. Finding out that this was really thought about me hurt. I didn't know what to do. I thought that I had no chance with the guy that I liked, and I could possibly lose my best friend. But, I really wondered if this was what all people thought. If my best friend thought, people that don't even know me could think so much worse. After, we worked it out with talking and tears. Only a few days later, we got super upset about something stupid, and I can't even remember what we fought about, but we didn't talk to each other for the next three days.

Months later, no more fights. We were good. Then, Monday came along, also coming with her birthday. I walked home with her to celebrate with her and her family. Somehow we got on the topic of my now crush. We were being best friends, talking about what could happen if we started dating. Then, she got all weird on me. I asked what was wrong and she told me that she had been lying to me. I asked about what and she told me that she likes the same guy I do. She told me that she knows how much I like him but we got out a dry erase board we use a lot to solve our problems (idk we are weird like that) she drew how much she liked him, and apparently it was more than me...

I didn't know how to react. My BEST FRIEND just told me that the guy I had been crushing on for over 4 months, she likes more than me (😒😫). We did the whole "I can't date him, what about you. I want you to be happy." "Well, I can't either, I would feel so bad." Then I had to leave without really putting a conclusion to the conversation.

The next day (yesterday) I kind of ignored what she told me yesterday, hoping that she would somehow lose feelings overnight (she didn't, btw). Anyway, today, we had a meeting with a group that both of us are in, she didn't show up, so I called her, asking where she was. She told me that she was on her way home, not able to make it. I was like ok, no big deal. Then, the meeting is over and I'm talking with one of the teachers as I watch her go by on her skateboard. I say goodbye to my teacher and see her, then ask how long she has been here. Our other friend was also there and told me that she had been there since the end of the school day, riding around the school with this OTHER guy on their skateboards (🤔🙁). I asked her what was going on, with the guy she was riding with, and the guy that both of us liked, and our friendship. She just simply shrugged and I say ok and walked away. She didn't call be back, didn't apologize, nothing. I feel like our friendship is falling apart. I don't know if I am overreacting, but I am seriously questioning us. She lied to me... I don't know what to do. She is my best friend and knows a lot of things about me that most people don't. I don't want to lose her... but... please help