Finley Douglas

Rebecca • Baby boy born June 2015 - baby girl coming September 2016!
Went in to be induced on 6/22 at 41 weeks. Got checked in at noon and did two rounds of cytotec with no progress. At 11:15pm they bumped us from labor and delivery (effectively postponing out inducement), gave me an ambien to help me sleep, and as we walked to another room in recovery to stay the night, my water broke! We walked right back to the room we had left and got the IV started! I am gbs positive so they had to start the penicillin (which really hurt for some reason, it felt like my hand was in a vice!) and contractions began almost immediately. So I fought the ambien through the contractions, which were bearable at first, and completely unbearable by 6am. I had the epidural (only 2cm dilated at this point- I wanted to wait but the pain was literally giving me hallucinations) and started pitocin, and then slept off and on until they checked me at 11am. Surprise! I was fully dilated and effaced! My pulse was a bit fast so I had an ekg before starting to push at 12pm. I pushed for three hours! We were at the point of the doctor recommending we move to have a c section- there were doubts baby could get his head under my pubic bone. I had to pull from so deep down to get through those last pushes, but the relief of feeling him come out was incredible! Finn was born at 3:28pm; 8lb15oz, 22 inches long!