My daughter born at 31+3 due to fetal maternal hemorrhage


I had my daughter April 14 at 31+3. She suffered a fetal maternal hemorrhage and needed a blood transfusion in utero. Unfortunately she kept hemorrhaging so they had to take her out 24 hours after the transfusion. It was a horrific 24 hours. We thought we might lose her. There was talk of brain damaging and potentially having to terminate the pregnancy. I've never been more scared in my life.

Luckily she came out screaming and has been a champion so far. She was 3 pounds 14 ounces and 11 days later has exceeded her birth weight. We are just waiting for her to grow and learn to feed.

I'm still coming to terms with the fact that I'm not pregnant still and she's here. It's a weird awful feeling to have to leave your baby in a hospital. I'm an emotional wreck but trying to be strong for my 4.5 year old son.