Husband Frustrates Me But Then I Feel Bad

Does anyone else have issues where your husband does something with good intentions, but it screws up your plans and he doesn't talk to you about it? I have some anxiety issues and part of that is that I like to think things through and have a plan of attack. My husband is more of a wing it, redo it twelve times, screw it up twice, buy extra stuff and don't talk about it or plan it type. So when I have a plan for yard work and some benches we are building and then my husband just steam rolls in and does it all without me while I'm at work and WNTIRELY changes everything I have a little bit of an anxiety issue. Now I have to go back and fix things! Ugh I am so frustrated and stressed now! But I feel like such a gigantic ass hole because he had good intentions. He wanted it to be done so he could surprise me when I got home. Now I'm just feeling really crummy. I know I'm being irrational. It just stresses me out and I don't think I should have to remind him that I'm a control freak and that things like this stress me the eff out. Sigh rant over.