ttc 2 years with bicornuate uterus with septum


hi all, new to this group but been on Glow since started TTC 2 year ago. Glad to read your success stories but also that I'm not alone with my struggles.

can I ask those who have successfully had children with this issue, did you do anything differently the month you conceived? We've tried allsorts but don't want to go down the <a href="">IVF</a> route. We haven't had one single sign of conception at any point along this route. I have struggled with incredibly painful cramps since originally starting my periods. This has gotten better recently and the only thing I have changed is having magnesium baths much more frequently which also he with anxiety. We've had the usual NHS hecks and then a referal to a specialised fertility clinic for our unexplained fertility and nothing else has shown up.

any advice/simple nod of understand or a hug would go a long way today. I turned 30 last week and was really hopeful only to have my hopes fall once more.

love to all xx