Unexplored options?


I recently got a new gynecologist whom I adore!

We sat down at my annual to have the usual conversation about my birth control methods. When I explained that my husband and I use withdrawal as our primary, with me also tracking my BBT and ovulation schedule she seemed hesitant.

'We should get you on the pill' she said and I had to explain how my cronic migraines have never allowed for that even at low doses it's too much risk v reward.

She suggested the IUD and I explained that my mother and sisters all had complications with that and several professionals have warned me against it.

I continued on to explain that I'm allergic to spermicides and most lubricants (huge rash every time), that I have a similar reaction to latex, and due to family histories the current remaining options have been ruled out.

She seemed pretty shocked at what I knew and suggested that maybe I just was 'thinking about it too much'

I try to stay informed about what is available because it would be nice to not have to stress about pregnancy.

Anything anyone else has tried?

What were your results?