Labor and delivery

I absolutely LOVE my doctor. But I HATE the MEU/L&D; she is attached to. I have called her and left messages about the pain that I am in and she hasn't called me back. Well due to the fact that it's back pain that comes and goes every 10-15 minutes that now has so much pain in my bottom I can't walk through it. I have done all the steps to stop them. I called the MEU to see. She told me to take Benadryl and Tylenol together (which I told her before she said that I couldn't bc I have a 4 year old at home and that knocks me out) and take a hot bath, heating pad water etc.

all of which I have done. minus the Benadryl. and it is still constant. she acted as if I was completely over reacting and I just needed to breathe. the one time I did go in they were so horrible to me. and literally checked nothing.

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uh anytime you feel like you need to go to get checked out, go.


Posted at
I am in the same boat but listen to this! She drew my blood for genetic testing and then I called the lab a week later to see if they had recieved it and they hadn’t. So I called the nurse who said she sent it out Friday. (Blood was drawn on Wednesday). When I called her again because they still hadn’t gotten it by Tuesday I called her back and she didn’t respond. So I called the head nurse who talked to her and said she lied to me she didn’t send it out until 6 days after draw when my call reminded her. Blood expires at day 6 so I had to go get my blood drawn again! 🤦🏻‍♀️ not patiently waiting again for results...