Chloe Isabella 💕


On March 22nd, I woke up at 5am to use the rest room (like I would any other morning). It was still dark out and I would never turn the light on since the streetlight from outside comes in pretty well lol anyways I’m sitting there on the toilet thinking... hum I wonder if I got my bloody show yet, so I get up turn the lights on and behold, my bloody show was right there before my eyes! I was so excited, I knew that shortly I would meet my little love ❤️ (I just thought I had a bit more time 😂)

I come back to bed and tell my husband about the bloody show & how with our first daughter, I had my bloody show and it wasn’t until 24hours later we finally met our little Olivia. I was convinced that this time would be similar to how I labored with her and I had a whole day to prep. WRONG. Lmao by 8am I had the most excruciating pains but all I kept thinking was it wasn’t time yet. I had my weekly doctors appt to check on our baby so I was trying to hold it together until 11 to make it to our appt instead of going to the hospital. 8am I take a shower and I let the hot water just hit my back and it felt soooo good! I was hungry and wanted some cereal but after my shower and getting dressed, I could not for the life of me think about food. I call the doctors @ 9 and explain to them I think I’m going into labor my contractions were 4mins apart and I just couldn’t handle it I couldn’t even walk it was that painful. So we get ready to head out to the hospital finally & my husband forgets that he has to clean the snow off the car. He rushes outside to do so but takes HIS SWEET TIMMMMMME getting the actual snow off 😡😡😡😡 I was soooo furious all I could think of was the pain I was in. He finishes cleaning the car and out we go.

(30min ride to the hospital)

On our way there my husband is trying so hard to make me smile and laugh and get my mind from the pain it was actually really cute lol but every 3/4 mins all that would come or was “oh fuck oh fuck shit” followed by tears. It was so bad (I really don’t remember it being that bad with our first daughter). So finally we get to the hospital & I don’t want him to just leave me in the front I want him by my side the entire time so he parks in the garage in the top floor (5th floor) and we take the elevator downstairs and walk across the street into the hospital, I still don’t understand what came over me and how I was able to walk at that moment. Maybe i was just so determined to get to the hospital nothing was going to stop me.

Now we’re in the hospital, I tell the lady I’m in labor & she tells me to walk to the elevator to get to the maternity ward 😒 I was so confused (where the hell is my wheelchair) I’m able to walk to maternity and finally I’m there!! Woohoo it’s now 11am

Nurse comes in checks how dilated I am and I’m a whopping 8cm!!! (No wonder I couldn’t walk) I start crying because I think it’s past the point on an epidural but it wasn’t and I was able to get it ☺️ thank goodness! Im able to rest and relax for about 2hours. When it came time to push.. I had pressed that little button so many times my body was nonfunctional from my waste down. Didn’t feel any pressure NOTHING. It was both a blessing and a curse. I couldn’t feel the pain which was great, but when it came time to push I wasn’t able to. Terrible! We wait 10/20 mins and we start pushing, I ask for a mirror so I’m able to see the birth of my baby too. 6 pushes in, our beautiful baby girl was born.

March 22nd 2018 @ 2:15PM