This is what happened to a woman in Spain...


A woman (18yo) was sexually assaulted (raped) by 5 men in Spain. One of them was also in the army. She was raped on a popular street party and the men alleged that she was drunk and she gave consent. However, when they left her, they stole her phone! And the woman remembers everything. After this happened, the spanish authorities hired a detective to follow her on day to day basis to see if this rape “really affected her” and if she was back to her “normal life” after! So much evidence was found, the guys had a WhatsApp group in which they filmed her! In which they clearly stated what they did and that before this, they had already planned to do it! The authorities put her in a position where She had to prove she was raped and she had not given consent!

The guys finally got each 9 year in jail... baring in mind that in Spain fighting a policeman in a bar could give you up to 60 years in prison! These guys who raped this woman got 9! What kind of system are we still living in? Everyone should know this story... this is a clear example that women rape stories are not heard, not taken serious, and women are the ones that always get doubted! #yositecreo please share this hashtag and story for justice!