

I’m 9 weeks 2 days and recently transferred to my OBGYN after getting pregnant at a fertility clinic (naturally, which is a shock!). After being monitored weekly, my bloodwork each week was good, and we had 3 ultrasounds, 2 of which we heard the heartbeats at 6.5 and 7.5 weeks. But my OBGYN didn’t think i “needed” an ultrasound this week after having so many recent ones, and it’s thrown my anxiety for a loop! She did a physical exam and said everything felt normal, but I’m constantly wondering if the baby has stopped growing and if I could be miscarrying and not even know it. I’ve had no bleeding ever, but my symptoms have started to level out this week and the nausea/morning sickness is gone and boobs feel less tender, which obviously makes the anxiety even worse. Anyone else going through these rollercoaster of emotions??? I have to wait until 5/17 for my next ultrasound and these 3 weeks are going to be ROUGH!