Confused about due date?

Hello! I am a little confused about my due date and how far along i actually am.

The first day of my last period was 2/14 which puts me at a due date or 11/21. I had my first Ultrasound on April 4, which would technically have put me right at 7 weeks.

The doctor measured me at 6wks 3dAys at my appointment on 4/4 but said she would not be adjusting my due date. So of course on all of my <a href="">pregnancy tracker</a> apps, my due date is still 11/21 but i am measuring further along than what my ultrasound said.... silly, but it is driving my crazy! I want to be 4 days further along like my apps say lol!

So i guess my question is, do ultrasounds consistently measure the same rate? Example: when i go back for my next ultrasound on 5/2, will i be measuring 10wks 3 days (inline with my first appointment) or is it possible i would have somehow moved further along? Maybe a dumb question, but i have only ever had one ultrasound so i just don’t know! Thanks everyone!