Mixed Emotions (TMI maybe)

This month has been by far the weirdest one I've had yet and that's saying something considering how incredibly shitty this year has been already.

I'm partially relived but also still slightly worried and concerned as I think is pretty normal considering I've pretty much missed my period this month.

I'm usually very regular with my periods with a slight variance of a day or two but according to my apps, <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> and Glow, I am currently 9/10 days late. With absolutely no sign of a period to come.

My cycle is normally 5 days so unless April wants to add a few more days, I doubt it's coming.

Yes, ladies, I know I should test and I tried this morning but ..... and this is just describing how this month is treating me.... MY LAST TEST MALFUNCTIONED! (Clearblue digital test) 🙈😤

I'll give you a little background on how things have been so you'll sort of, hopefully, understand my concerns and maybe be able to give me some more advice.

Last month, I was experiencing some odd symptoms that didn't associate coming.y normal period at all so, obviously I was freaking out because I did have some unprotected sex a few weeks beforehand. But, the day I decided to finally test was also the day my period came. Yes, a full regular period, so after that I wasn't all that concerned. Until recently.

Major bloating, weird nausea (not anything major just like an upset stomach after I eat something), dizziness, an insane amount of discharge for me (it also has a slightly different smell but it's nothing terrible just not the normal smell for me), heafaches, stuffy nose, body stiffness (especially with my hips right now), periodical backaches (lower back), fatigue (even if I've had plenty of sleep), cramps that are very period like, and the most concerning symptom for me right now ..... No. Period.

My breasts aren't sore and my nipples haven't changed color so I'm not too sure how certain I am abouy being pregnant but that honestly would be my only logical explanation for my period not coming.

I'm definitely going to be making a doctors appointment but if any of you have experienced anything similar and know what it might be please don't hesitate to help me out lol.