Can anyone help me work out what is going on?!


Our first month trying and I had SUCH a good feeling! I had random little symptoms (although I'm sure I just wanted it so badly I found symptoms in every little thing). AF due on the 30th - but started heavy bleeding while abroad on 24th. Bleeding continued on through 25th during my 11 hour day of travel home... once I got home i just felt so off that I decided to take a test - it was BFP!

I called the nurses line and they said to head to the ER right away. They told me it was an early miscarriage and to followup with my OB the next day. I met with OB on 26th and she told me it was a Chemical... brought me back in for blood work today and closed at noon so I never got the results.

Feeling unsure and honestly just needing a final answer to this nightmare, I took another test tonight (27th - 4 days of moderate/heavy bleeding) and it was another BFP!! The lines are both faint, but tonight's is even stronger than the first one from the 25th. What does this mean and what should I do?! Is it just the HCG still in my system? Could the docs be wrong? My OB is closed until Monday and I'm just at a loss...

Top was from 25th - Bottom is tonight (27th). I know neither are super thick lines... but they're positive lines none the less, right?

UPDATE: spoke with my OB today and my levels for my blood draw on Friday were 9 so doubled from my initial blood draw! They are unsure if still an early miscarriage/Chemical of very early stages of a healthy pregnancy! Asking me to come back in on Monday for followup! 🤞🏼🤞🏼