NOTHING went as planned.


Warning. Long story. A little TMI.

I was in the maternity assessment unit for what I thought was “early labour”. (Im a FTM so I didn’t know the differnce)

After being given a bed, we waited for the midwife to check my cervix. During this time my waters were bulging so every contraction was the most intense pressure down below, it was the worst pain I had ever felt. My poor boyfriend didn’t know what to do.

The midwife finally came to check me and I was 4cm and my water broke all over her and the bed and the floor soaking everything in it’s path. She noticed the baby had passed meconium in utero. She got a senior to confirm this and they rang up the delivery suite to get me a room ASAP as I would need continuous monitoring.

I was begging everyone who made eye contact with me, for an epidural because at this point, my contractions were continuous waves. As I was being wheeled to my room, I felt faint but luckily didn’t pass out. When I got to my room I was prepped for the epidural (BP taken, IV fluids put in, hooked up to the monitor, stockings put on)

In the meantime, I was given Gas+air which pretty much did nothing. At this point, it had gotten so painful I threatened to jump out of the nearest window if the dr didnt arrive before the next contraction 😂. I broke the mouthpiece because I was biting down so hard and then cried because It was broken.

I was checked again 10 minutes later and I was 6cm. Still no dr. I was told she was doing an epidural to someone else and I was next. I said NOPE FUCK THIS SHIT IM GOING HOME, and stupidly tried to roll out of bed to put on my slippers. HA. That contraction was my karma. I wanted to die. I said “this is how im going isnt it”

All of a sudden i felt the urge to push. That feeling is no joke, there is nothing you can do to stop it. I told my midwife I was pushing and she screamed at me not to as I was still at a 6 and I would damage my cervix.

I gave her a death glare and said I AM PUSHING THIS BABY OUT NOW. She pressed the emergency button and 2 midwives and a dr ran into the room as I was pushing. One midwife checked me mid push and I was a 10 and she could feel baby’s head.

2 more pushes and her head was out. The dr was still opening packets and getting gowned up by that time. I was told to wait for the next contraction and then push the shoulders out. I didnt, I just pushed twice more and she slid out of me.

Pushing did NOT hurt. It actually made the contractions stop hurting. It actually felt good.

After she was born i felt AMAZING. The feeling you get after meeting your baby for the first time cannot be described. I cared about nothing else but her.

The dr finally arrived to do my epidural 😂 clearly was way too late. My whole labour and delivery was 3 hours total, including the placenta. 100% natural birth.

My birth plan went out the window from the first real contraction.

My beautiful Ava is now almost 6 weeks old 💕