Frustrated with babies father 🤦🏼‍♀️

Sorry if this ends up being a long rant. I’m currently 36 weeks 3 days pregnant. The babies father and I haven’t been together since around 7 weeks. Around 8 weeks he got a girlfriend and around 18 weeks I started dating my current boyfriend. My boyfriend knew all about the entire situation months before we decided to start dating, and he has absolutely no issues with my babies father and just overall has been a huge blessing in this whole situation. My baby fathers girlfriend on the other hand 🤦🏼‍♀️ She can’t seem to wrap her head around the situation. I’ve met her twice. Both times we got along, but I was not aware that she didn’t know I was pregnant then. Once she found out she said she wanted to talk to me about it all so there was no hard feelings (people had been trying to start drama between us). I agreed and tried to find a time when it could happen since I’m the only one that drives and they live towns over from me. She blew it off every time, so I ended up messaging her just to explain my side and let her know I have no problem with her and that she’s welcome at anything for the baby that the baby’s father goes to. Everything seemed relatively okay, but now it’s completely changed. The baby fathers family threw me a baby shower, which he didn’t show up for. He hasn’t spoken to me in over a month and the times when he spoke to me before that he tried to avoid talking about the baby/pregnancy. Come to find out she’s decided that if he wants to be with her he can’t speak to me and can’t speak to anyone about the baby 🙄. It’s driving his friends and family insane. At this point I’m not wasting my time being too upset about it, he’ll do what he feels like doing and I don’t control that. Part of me wishes for his sake he’d kick her to the curb because he has a habit of ignoring reality and she’s encouraging it. The more he can’t face what’s happening in his life the more likely he will turn to drugs and alcohol. He’s only 19. He’s been through hell and back and needs to get help dealing with what he’s seen and been through, but of course no one can get him help if he doesn’t want it. It’s just frustrating and I needed to rant. I pray by the time he wants to get better he’s still got enough life left in him to do so😕.