
Hi all! For the past 4 days I have been a POAS addict.They were all positive. However I am starting to let my mind wonder because according to my last period I should only be 2 wks and 6 days. A few days before I took my first hpt, I had constant pain on my right side that at times hurt very bad. (At the same time, I had very strong positive opks for 4 days in a row)I'm just hoping that I am truly pregnant and that it implanted itself in the right spot. I had a miscarriage a couple years ago and haven't been able to get pregnant until now. I want to get excited by due to my last period, I had to schedule my ultrasound on June 1st. My husband is super excited and I would hate for us to go through another heartbreak. Any suggestions? Comments? What do you all think?