seeing a lot of ignorant comments on domestic situation posts

so I've been seeing a lot of ignorant comments on posts where the op is dealing with some type of domestic violence situation. This is really obnoxious if you are not qualified, as in you've never personally been in a situation like that or helped someone in that situation and have a fantastic life of your own do you really think you need comment? I mean come on some of these women are put down every single day of their lives, you have no idea what they could be dealing with besides the post topic or how they are feeling ( suicidal? depressed? ). My point is you don't need to make these women feel worse than they are by judging how they lash back or react to the abuse! You do not need to tell them they don't deserve to be parents, they are stupid for staying/ putting up with that or neither party loves the other! My point you have no idea how this person feels other than the words in their post it's no wonder they won't step forward for help or want to post anonymously for fear that people will judge them because guess what you are judging them! You have no right you need to keep your opinion to yourself if it's not helpful or kind. These women need support not to be made to feel worse and I can say this because I have been in their shoes in my past! Please let's be supportive or just be quiet thanks.