Period lasted two days!?


I have two apps to help me track ovulation and period.

One app said that I was 1 days late (I tested and I got BFN)

GLOW said I was 8 days early when I started my


Well, it only lasted two days.

The first day was heavier than what I’m used too, but I didn’t experience ANY CRAMPING! I was just nauseas (which isn’t normal)

The next day it slowed WAY down to where I only needed a panty liner

And today.. it’s just spotting. Like I can only see it when I wipe, and my nausea has spiked to an all time high!

I’m not sure what could be the cause ..I’m not stressed, no diet changes.. work life still the same.. I haven’t had sex since i started my period..

anyone else in my boat?