Welcome Ariana Jade ❤ My May turned April baby


Higher blood pressure started at 35 weeks, with daily monitoring..

At my 37 week appt, it was the highest it's been, so my doctor decided to just induce instead of waiting it out. induction was scheduled for 4/25 at 3am

wasn't sure what to expect, as I have never been induced early, mostly I was terrified of my body not being ready & it taking hours, which is exactly what happened.. i was dialated to a 2 & 40%. They placed the cervical pill starting at 4am, after 4 hours, no change. 2 more pills & 8 hours later, still nada so they started potocin at 4pm.. after 8 more hours & still only dialated to a 3 I was ready to give up. I spent so much time walking the halls & bouncing on the ball I was frustrated that I just wanted my girl to cook a little longer. But finally at 3am the next morning I was dialated to a 4 so the doctor could break my water.. oh my gosh, contractions started & were coming every 2 min & lasting 60-90 sec so I decided it was time for the epidural. It took 15 min to place the dang thing as I kept getting contractions back to back during it. So glad I went through with that, instant pain relief. Well, my contractions stopped 😐 so for the next 3 hours I basically slept 😴 .. the doctor came in at 7am to check me & as soon as I moved my blanket, she said "oh wow, ok time to push!" 😰 I still wasn't having contractions, so doctor just told me to push.. within 2 tries baby girl was here! I couldn't believe it! I felt nothing.. I wish all my deliveries were that easy lol..

Welcome my baby girl! I have waited 12 very long years for you & you have 4 big brothers who can't wait to protect u! Born at 7:12am on 4/26 5lbs 13oz 19.5" of pure perfection ❤❤

Sorry for all the photos & long story, I am just so excited & so in love! If you've made it this far, thank you!! 😁😍