Frustrated and feeling defeated

My husband and I have been try for about 4 years now. It has been a long, stressful and emotional road. I found out about a year and a half ago that I have a unicornuate uterus. I was devastated after my doctor called and said "I'm sorry but you will not be able to have children, and if you do get pregnant you will not be able to carry them because you only have half of a uterus." She had never even heard of a unicornuate uterus and didn't have any information other than that. I had to do the research myself. I cried for hours. But we kept trying until I discovered I was preggers in Feb 2014. I had only known about my little bundle for a week before I miscarried. It was my mothers birthday. She had to sit with me as I sat in the ER and was told that my baby was not alive. The miscarriage was painful. I sat in the ER screaming in pain with what the doctor said were labor pains even though I was only four weeks along. I cried for weeks. Every baby picture my friends and sisters posted on Facebook tore my heart to pieces.  I have two wonderful stepchildren, ages 8 and 13. Everyone tells me I should be happy to have them to love. And I am. I love them to death, though I don't get to see them often. But it's just not the same. I've become weary of being hopeful. I go through the "is this a pregnancy symptom" phase every month, even though I know it's more than likely not. I've started to resign myself to the fact that I will not have children of my own. I thinks giving up is what hurts the most. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't have the funds to see a fertility specialist.