Nobody Cares He Wont Sleep


My son was born Sept. 2 2017. He is nearing 8 months old. I got more sleep when he was a newborn than I've gotten the entire rest of the time. He just wont stay asleep. I am always up all night with him. Pediatrician only told me "some kids need less sleep." I think that's total crap. I shouldn't average a literal hour of sleep a night for 6 damn months just to try and keep my child sleeping for a decent amount at night. Can anyone help me? I feel like I'm dying and I have no support group. Not to mention I'm pregnant again, which was unplanned as I was on birth control. I can't deal with this for much longer, and I'm surprised I've been able to even function. I'm so tired to the point where I actually passed out in the shower and hit my head, and had to be checked out. My husband is trying to finish school and do training for his new job, so he is never home lately. Even if he was he could probably sleep through a tornado. We have tried different routines, a different bed (pack n play), different foods to try and get him more full, he got a new blanket, he wont take a binky or anything for comfort. We have tried the cry it out even, and he wont stop, he will just cry until he pukes if you don't go get him. I literally don't know what to do anymore...