Big boy bed success!!

Audrey • 💙💗

So my lil man has been capable of climbing out of his crib for some time. I was terrified and always a nervous wreck while he was awake and in his crib. He’s a GREAT sleeper, and I didn’t want to screw things up by making such a big change.

We have his baby sister joining us in just a couple short weeks and I was scared to make this transition before she comes. But I’m so glad we did. He has spent 3 nights and I just put him down for his 3rd nap. He has done WONDERFULLY! He’s made it such an easy transition for us, I couldn’t be more proud/thankful.

Night 1: He woke up at 2 AM, ran out of his room crying. I grabbed him, hugged him tight and laid him right back down. He stirred and cried a little more around 3-5AM, not getting out of bed. Woke up at normal time.

Nap 1: Fell asleep in the car on the way home from store. Transitioned to bed. Slept almost 2 hours.

Night 2: Not a single peep for 12hrs. Found him in the living room where he found a sippy cup of water.

Nap 2: Laid him down awake and he played with his blanket until he fell asleep. Slept 2 hours.

Night 3: Late bedtime because we BBQed with friends, he slept in a little and came into my room when I called him, after I heard his door open.

P.S.- My husband got a wild hair and tried to take the front of his crib off about 2 months ago (middle of the day) and tried putting him down for a nap. Bad idea. He immediately put it back on. I knew we had to start at night, so that’s what we did. And now we aren’t looking back.