Troubles with mom

I turn 18 in a month and I'm 15 weeks pregnant. Ever since my family found out I'm pregnant things have been really bad with my mom. It's not because of the fact I'm pregnant, it's everything else. I am sooo tired all the time I need 10-12 hours of sleep a day and I work full time as well as do school full time so she yells at me that I don't do any work around the house and calls me lazy etc. she has been putting so much stress on me by making me always feel like the bad guy. She will argue with me and call me names and then end it with her crying and her being the victim. I'm doing finals this week and today is one of my only days off so I wanted to get a bunch of school done (I do online college) and she yelled and said no I have to clean the house. I rolled my eyes at her and she freaked out and started crying and said she's leaving and just stormed out of the house crying because I didn't stop her. I don't even know what to do I love her but this is exhausting. I'm pregnant I'm tired and don't feel good. I don't want to put up with her added stress 😓