looking for support

Rebecca • I am married to my middle school sweetheart. Our firstborn is 8 and he is Autistic and such a sweetheart, our middle two were born in Heaven, and Number 4 is 16 months and he is such a smart little thing. Not trying to conceive or prevent.

so.. I have a 7y.o. and a 16 month old who just stopped nursing in February. I lost two separate pregnancies in between (12 weeks and 6 weeks) so I was on progesterone suppositories throughout my last entire pregnancy. I tested yesterday because I was suspicious, wasn't supposed to start my period until today, and got a big bold PREGNANT. I was overjoyed for a moment. Then I realized I had to tell my husband, whom does not want any more children. Then I started worrying about miscarrying again. I am going to go ahead and call my Dr tomorrow morning and see what he thinks about restarting the progesterone. I really am okay with an unplanned pregnancy, I love my kids and always wanted a big family and it sure wouldn't hurt if I finally get a girl BUT I worry about how my husband is feeling and will act with me fighting not to miscarry. He would never ask me to abort and knows that is not an option. I'm just trying to keep calm and not worry about daddy and praying for babies health. I want to be excited but I'm scared and it's kind of hard when my husband seems so put out.