Need help and advice


Okay, so am I just over reacting or is this a problem? it all started a week ago my boyfriend has been having his friends over all week and since they are there he barley calls me anymore (he used to call me when he got home from school and stay on call with me till the next morning when he had to leave for school) he still called but it was at 10:30-11 and we go to bed at 12 and we just don't really talk that much anymore he doesn't make time for me and I talked to him about and he said he's trying but he hasn't changed anything and I recently found out he's been talking to this girl and we've had trouble with girls in the past so I told him I had a bad feeling about her and i told him to pick between me or her cause I didn't wanna risk another issue happening so he picked me then the next day I find out he's still talking to her after i told him how I felt about it and that it hurt me and he still did it so he finally blocked her on everything (we live far away from each other so I see him once a week) so I wanna gonna see him today and my parents were gonna take us to dinner and surprise him so we ask his mom and it's all good she said he can well he went and played basketball with his friends and I text him and ask if he wants to go and he like I can't i dont wanna ditch my friends and he's been hanging out with them all week and we get one day a week together and he didn't come see me, what should I do? am I overreacting or what? I was pissed cause he's been hanging out with them all week even staying the night and he picked them over me on our day. so it's so long just needed it to be detailed