Tonight I finally broke

I’ve been in a habit of buying baby clothes and items since before I was even TTC. I’ve accumulated clothes for either gender from preemie to 5T. I also ended up with a crib and stroller.

Tonight I broke.

TTC has been so stressful for both me and my husband. It’s heartbreaking to do everything you can just to get a negative every month.

So, I posted on Facebook looking for a family that could use the crib and stroller. (I’m keeping all the clothes because I have more of an attachment to them.)

Tons of people reached out to me wanting the crib and stroller. Then, a relative of mine messaged me. She hadn’t told anyone but her and her husband had been TTC since they got married 3 years ago. She’s had multiple miscarriages and chemical pregnancies. She told me she’s pregnant and due in July.

I really feel like me reaching my breaking point was a blessing. I had no idea she was pregnant. I had no idea she had struggled for so long with infertility.

I cannot wait to give her this crib and stroller and see her use it for her own baby. ❤️