One in a million

Shannon • We have 2 boys - One born 5/2016 and one born 4/2018. It’s been a rollercoaster adjusting to life with 2 babies but I love it.
I blame celebrities. Not all of them. Just the ones who occasionally date or marry a non-celebrity. The movie actor who marries his hair dresser. The football star who dates a girl he met in a night club. These stories give us false hope that if we buy enough concert tickets or hang around the Starbucks where so and so gets their coffee, we too can have a fighting chance. I was convinced I was going to marry Prince William (what matter is an ocean barrier to two people in love??) Turns out my prince only lived an hour North of me. ❤️
This is how I feel about people who get early BFPs. I'm not faulting you at all for your wonderful DNA or whatever it is that gives you a BFP at 9DPO. In fact, I'm very happy for you. And the hair dresser. And the night club girl. It just makes me question every stick I pee on. Clearly I'm out because I'm 10DPO and its BFN. But wait. Back to Internet research. Implantation can take 6-12 days. So maybe I'm not out until 14DPO. Back to the store for another HPT
So although I'm not out until AF shows, I have peed on too many sticks too early too many times. Because sometimes the fan club president gets a smooch from the lead singer and sometimes girls get BFPs at 7DPO. 
Just some thoughts as I wait for AF with a BFN in my hand...