Do u feel like this sometimes?

So i’m feeling really confused about if i’m striaght, lesbian or bi right now, i’ve always thought girls were hot too and occasionally i would say i get a tingle reaction when i see someone really hot on social media but everyone has always been pretty much taught to be straight and i’ve never had a crush on a girl. But lately i’ve just been feeling more confused, i think about sex with guys and never girls but then when i see girl’s naked i think thats really sexy too but i never think of anything past kissing a girl and that’s probably just because i’m curious as to what its like. But sometimes i feel the urge to cuddle with a guy and have sex but then sometimes i think of it and feel really grossed out for some reason and doesn’t like the thought of it, i have no idea why and whats going on and i’m too scared to approach people in real life because of how they might take it differently. Please help!

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