marijuana usage

I’ll start by saying it’s not something I use before everyone is like don’t do that your pregnant.

My fiancé has medical card for it so it’s not even doing it illegally but lately it seems different. He’s going to a new distributor and seems to me like 180 in how it affects him. He doesn’t use it in front of me usually going outside to. This last weekend though he started to use it in the living room while I was there. I got up and left which like I said he doesn’t normally do. This stuff smells different as well making me sick to my stomach which is new.

I don’t like the changes I’m seeing seems like he uses more then he did. He switched because this distributor is cheaper then his old. How do I tell him I don’t want him to use this one anymore? I’m not saying he can’t because he has medical reason but I don’t like who is becoming and I’m not sure if I trust this distributor because he’s like a different person when using the new.