Sleepless nights!


The last 2 nights have been terrible sleep wise. My 10 month old normally wakes through the night 2-3 times but after a bottle goes right back to sleep. Well 2 nights ago she woke up at 4:30 and was inconsolable and nothing could get her back to sleep. She ended up being awake until around 9:30 which is when she normally has her first nap. Then last night she woke up at 1am and same thing. She refused her bottle and just fussed and wanted snuggles but no sleep. Shes currently napping (it’s 10am) but I had to do so much to get her to fall asleep and I doubt it will be a long nap. She’s been teething, is getting over an ear infection, and just finished antibiotics (her first time taking them) and it could be any or all of those things making her wake up but I’m paranoid this is going to become her new thing. I also have a 4 year old that just got over strep/scarlet fever/ear infection who woke up today with vomiting and diarrhea.

We were talking about having a third recently and honestly trying to manage 2 sick and/or teething kids might be my limit 🙁 this momma needs her sleep lol.