Moms taking over my gender reveal in the worst way

So we’re getting my ultrasound done on the 16th for gender, my mom has decided she wants to throw me a gender reveal and will be coming down to keep me from finding out, all good and well, ok whatever. But she decided that I’m not gonna find out till an entire month after. I’m not arguing because she is hosting and paying for it since she really wants to do it, but my problem is I wanted it to be close friends and family only. She asked to invite a “few people” I was thinking family from her side and close family friends, no, she invited 80 people and I don’t know 90% of them, and a few are people I specifically begged her not to invite. I wanna say something but my mom tends to blow things out of proportion and cause a huge mess, she makes everything a family affair when it comes to her drama and I really don’t want that. My MIL are both really uncomfortable with this situation but I’m gonna just suck it up I guess and keep her from jam packing my baby shower with strangers (especially if I ask to host it at my MIL’s house) :/