My baby boy is a month old already

Darche • 23. Married. Army vet. 👼🏽👶🏽👼🏽🤰🏽
My baby boy is a month old already. Can't believe it. I knew I was in labor the day before he was born because let's face it there's just no mistaking those contractions for BH. Although, I was (tmi) pooping a lot that day so I did kinda think I was having poop cramps lol but then they just kept getting closer and closer. I was due to be induced that Friday by choice (39&3) because my first birth was really traumatic so it was sorta a peace of mind thing. I was beyond ready for him. By 10pm I couldn't take the pain anymore, I called my mom and sister again to let them know we were otw to drop off our daughter cause it was in fact time. My contractions jumped from 25-15 after about 8 hours then surprisingly from 15-7-5 within about 2 hours I'd say. We got to the hospital around 11:45ish and after getting told my contractions were a little irregular I was like crap did I just false alarm us bc I had to poop some more? I went to the bathroom and my nurse came in to check on me and yelled at my hubby to get me off the pot bc I was bearing down lmao. I jumped from 3cm to 8 in 1.5-2 hours and 9 came even faster.  Luckily my doctor was the one on call so she let me stay cause I could've gotten sent home but my toilet incident help me contract and open up and sure enough 45 mins after my epidural about 4 hours total at the hospital it was time to push at 9cm. She used her fingers to help me the last bit and at 2:54am 3.27.18 my beautiful baby boy was born. Exactly 15 months after his sister born on 12.27.16. Im a lucky mama.