I'm so upset.

(rant) so my husband needs help. He needs to stop drinking. He drinks maybe a 6 pack a night (that I know of) and every weekend, fri sat sometimes Sunday... he gets drunk. Like peeing all over toilet drunk. Wobbling every where. And he's an angry drunk. He can only drink with a few close friends or he'll end up fighting. He promised he'd stop if I had a child. We'll she's 2 now. We are trying to conceive #2..... but to me, I don't think he's ready. I don't want my kids to grow up with an alcoholic father. Every weekend he promises to quit. I've gone to a fertility clinic and got medications for baby#2. I really want another baby. I just don't feel that he's helping any. I'm always stressing out with it. I quit drinking about a year before my first child. And I want him to stop. He says he wants to stop and does good for a week but as soon as the weekend comes, he's drunk again. And it's an on going cycle. He either cries and says hes sorry or he gets mad and says its just drinking and he can do what he wants as long as he works and has money for it... I'm so angry at him. I've tried being nice and understanding. I've tried being mean and bossy. I don't give him money or go buy it for him. I don't agree to be a dd. I try not to be an enabler in anyway. I've tried taking him to church... I've offered to find an aa class. Or take him to counseling. His drinking is not healthy. He doesn't pay any attention to my child or myself when he's drinking. He's a different person drinking. I don't know how to get him to stop. Any advice? Anyone have ideas? I think I might stop ttc. I don't want to leave him but I never wanted to marry the person he is when he drinks. It's everyday. When we met... he didn't drink but a few beers a month and he's a great hard working when sober. We've been together about 10 years and we are almost 30. I've tried talking and asking him to quit... and i don't think I am the reason he drinks. He's mentioned that he had a hard past. But I know it all. It's just an excuse in my opinion but I haven't told him that... and I do everything for him expect help him drink. My anger turns to sadness. What should I do?