Evap or faint positive ? *TMI*

The test pictures were taken last night. I took another this am with fmu and it looked similar to this one . I know blue dyes aren’t great, but I do see a faint line. In person it was a little more obvious. I took three FRER and could swear I saw the faintest positive ever with that. My cm has been different than it usually is this time in my cycle. My period is due on Saturday, so 4 days from now. My back hurts, sore nipples, fatigue, getting a cold. The thing that threw me off most is my cm because I’m usually dry down there and this time I’m seeing ewcm for over a week. I’m also cramping on and off today but mildly. I don’t know how many dpo I am because my husband and I decided to do this just relaxed for a few months and if it happens it happens, but I think this may be it! 🤷🏼‍♀️ opinions please!